
A (mostly) comprehensive list of (almost) all the pages and posts found on this very site. Totally not copied from the Minimal Mistakes documentation and GitHub repository. There’s also an XML version available.


Curriculum Vitae

My CV for any business enquiries and job applications. Or for people who just want to read it.

Curriculum Vitae (old and outdated)

My old CV for people who just want to read it. But my new CV is miles better, so for serious job enquiries you’re better off using that. It’s also on my site.


I’m not the biggest user of Vim/Neovim… but it became REALLY useful for a funded project I did

19 minute read

For that same project I hosted a conference presentation for back in July, I decided to start using Vim/Neovim (Neovim specifically) for a very specific reason that ended up being very useful to me for said project. This article goes into depth about how I got to using Vim/Neovim, and also how I continued using Neovim afterwards from there. This isn’t going to be a tutorial, though I will show the most useful Vim/Neovim commands I’ve learnt so far (as of the time this article goes live). Hope you enjoy it!

I Upgraded My Uni Laptop To Linux Mint 22. It Went Alright… Eventually.

16 minute read

Getiing the webcam drivers to work was a bit of work, but I eventually got there in the end. The rest of the process went somewhat smoothly (keyword: somewhat). Now that I actually remember (mostly) how mintupgrade worked during the upgrade process, I can actually write an article about it!

Using Linux Mint As My Daily Driver: Three Years On. Well… An Anthology Of Sub-Articles About Me Using Linux For The Past Three Years (With Some Comparisons To Windows Here And There).

69 minute read

Well, the time has finally come to do one more of these, and this year I took the time to plan out what I was going to say. Things are a quite different, now that I am effectively using a different laptop now that my red one got borked. Also, this post is far longer than what I usually write, but I split it up into subsections that can basically count as articles in their own right. I hope you enjoy reading through all of this as much as I have enjoyed writing all of this!

A (Not So) Brief Update On My Life And What I Want To Do With This Website, Now That I’m Doing A PhD And Have Just Co-Hosted My First Conference Presentation

13 minute read

I last wrote a blog post in 2023, my yearly Linux Mint anniversary post. It’s been almost a year since then, so now is time for an update, now that my life and career path have both changed considerably. Long story short: I started a PhD in February and I just co-hosted my first conference presentation with my PhD supervisor. I’m very much looking forward to it, so read on for a brief-ish summary of what’s going on in my life (as of Tuesday 9th July 2024).

Using Linux Mint As My Daily Driver: Two Years On. And Also A Small Update On Life Now That I’ve Graduated.

2 minute read

Two year ago, I decided to install Linux Mint on my old Acer laptop. Since then, I’ve been using Mint as my daily driver, and last year I wrote an article where I looked back at my year thus far as a Linux user. This hastily written article celebrates two years so far as a Mint user. I’ll also fill you in on some life updates and plans. It’s not a very long read, certainly not as long as the previous anniversary post, but I thought I’d write something quick to fill us in. Hopefully I’ll make more detailed blog posts in the future.

I’m Going Straight Into Third Year Without A Placement And I Have No Regrets

5 minute read

In previous blog posts I have mentioned the fact that I was still searching for a placement. That search has ended with me going straight into the third and final year of my Bachelors degree. Do I feel bad about that? Not really. Partly because I was somewhat expecting this as the deadline crept closer, and partly because of a book I read.

Using Linux Mint As My Daily Driver: One Year On

15 minute read

One year ago, I decided to install Linux Mint on my old Acer laptop. Since then, I’ve been using Mint as my daily driver, and in this article I’m looking back on some of my highlights so far as a Linux user, what I still miss about my time as a Windows user, and then looking back on if I ultimately made the right choice (SPOILER ALERT: I did indeed make the right choice! 😉) and finally if I plan to switch distros. Strap in, folks! This one’s a LOOOOOOOOOOONG read!

I Got Linux Mint to Work on my Old Laptop

4 minute read

I finally got my old laptop to work again by replacing the HDD with an SSD and then installing Linux Mint. Noice. Here’s a short story about how that happened.

A Boat Trip

less than 1 minute read

Here’s a punny story about that time my friend went on a boat trip.